We love Students at King’s

And because we’re right on the doorstep of Bucks New University, we have many regulars through our doors. Whether you’re a fresher just starting out, or you’re in your final year, we’d love to meet you and invite you to get involved. Connect with us on our Instagram or contact our student team using the form below.

Small Groups

We love small groups at King’s and think they are really important to build community and get to know others. A great place for students is our 18-21 small group which runs on Wednesdays evenings, or our other  Young Adult small group runs on Tuesday evenings. If you would like to join a small group, DM us on Instagram or fill in the form below.


We would love for you to join us, whether that be checking out church for the first time, looking for a church at uni, or you have been a regular for years.

9am & 11am Sunday Live
11am Streamed on our YouTube Channel!

Fill in form below and somebody from the King’s Student team will be in touch!

  • Field names ending with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Please enter a valid email address.
  • Your information will be held by this form while we seek to answer your enquiry, and then deleted unless further connection is made with King’s Church (e.g. Get Connected form, Small Group Sign-Up, Serving Team or Membership). You can view our Data Protection Policy or request to have your details removed at any time by emailing office@kchw.co.uk or ringing 01494 459 901.