King’s Table
Providing a hot meal and conversation to those struggling with addiction.
We hope to see those considered to be marginalised loved, valued and served, brought into community, and offered opportunities to exit life controlling addictions. We will work towards this through provision of a weekly meals with a short Christian talk, and subsequent signposting to other agencies skilled in helping people out of addiction.
For women who wish to improve their English.
The learning will be led in an encouraging environment and will include practical, day-to-day language. Where appropriate, Bible stories and Christian Holidays are used for practising the English language.
For more information about helping in these groups, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Giving young children a space to play.
Our thriving parent and toddler group has a great reputation across our town as somewhere where mums, dads, grandparents and childminders can enjoy quality time with their babies and preschool children. Little Stars runs every Tuesday and Friday during term at our Town Centre site. Our foyer becomes a makeshift buggy park, and up to 50 children enjoy play, craft, songs and stories together. For little ones it’s an opportunity to play, for parents it’s a chance to breathe.

Seeking to reach and bless women affected by sex trafficking in High Wycombe.
We believe that the women are precious to God, and we want to demonstrate His amazing love to them. We do weekly walking outreach to meet with the women and offer support.

Releasing people from poverty
Christians Against Poverty are on a mission to release thousands of families from grinding poverty through award winning debt counselling and community groups.