King's Online Giving

At King’s, our giving is as much a part of our worship as our singing.

Both are simply a response to what Jesus has done for us. All of our pastoral ministries, our staff costs and our outreach into Wycombe and overseas are paid for by financial gifts from the church. So at King’s we believe in giving regularly, generously, joyfully and sacrificially, knowing we’re advancing the kingdom. Click below for guidelines about this heart issue.

Giving GuidelinesLatest Accounts

Here’s how to give

Give online

If you are registered for online banking you can use your own bank’s online services to ‘make a payment’. Our bank details are:
Bank: HSBC
Account Name: King’s Church High Wycombe
Account no.: 95126177
Sort Code: 40-38-04

For regular giving, please use your surname and initials as your reference when doing transfers and email to let us know you’ve set up a new transfer.

Standing Order

If you give on a regular basis, you might like to consider setting up a Standing Order. This really helps us with our planning and budgeting. You can set this up directly with your own bank online, over the phone or in person at the bank. Please use our bank account details given above.

Give by debit/credit card*

* Card payments accepted through ChurchSuite via Stripe are subject to a 2.2% + 20p transaction fee for UK/European cards, and 3.9% +20p for non-UK/European cards

Give by text**

Text KCHWGIFT followed by the amount you wish to give, e.g. KCHWGIFT 20 to donate £20, to 70085.

** Texts cost the amount of your gift plus one standard rate message. Donr will deduct 5% of each transaction to cover their overheads. Please note that a maximum of £20 per text message and a maximum of £30 per day applies.

However you choose to give, as long as you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid enables you to boost the value of your donations by 25p for every £1 given. That means a £10 donation becomes £12.50, or a £100 donation becomes £125 and so on – at no additional cost to you. What a totally brilliant scheme.

If you haven’t already set this up and are eligible, and you’d like to maximise your giving this way, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration form, available from the church office or via the link here.

You only need to do this once and as long as we can identify your future gifts as coming from you, we will automatically request the Gift Aid on your behalf.

Give as you live

When you shop at over 4,400 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they’ll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us!

Simply sign up, search for the retailer and start shopping. It’s that simple!