Special Series:

Blessed to bless those around us.

We have a wonderful problem in our Sunday meetings, and we need to hear from you as we try to solve it.
To address the capacity issue in our 9:30am meeting, we’re considering changing the times of our meetings to 9am-10:30am and 11am-12:30pm.

On Sunday we sent out an email to the church, explaining this in more detail.  If you haven’t seen it yet, click here to read the letter from John.

We’d be grateful if one person from each household could answer the following questions please, as best as you can, by the end of Sunday 16 April. Thank you for your grace as we work through this. And praise God that we have this wonderful problem!


This survey is now closed.  Thank you to everyone who contributed and we will update the church soon to follow it up.  Comments and questions can still be sent by email to 

Please click here for our new registration form.

Wednesday 24 July

Philippians 2:5-11
‘In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’

What is God underlining to you about who Jesus is? Let your reflections lead to praise.


Who do you know that doesn’t yet know Jesus? Share one or two people God has placed in your life who don’t know Jesus (think of family members, friends, neighbours, colleagues), and then pray together for these people.


… for our young people and team going to the Christian festival Newday next week…

• That God would strengthen them, protect them, refresh them, and give them everything they need throughout the week – power, wisdom, peace, joy, and surprisingly good sleep…
• That our team would have their own powerful encounters with God

• That all our young people would engage with the festival – for a great sense of family amongst them, and for no one to be left out
• For life-changing encounters with God – that we’d see salvation, healing, re-commitments to Jesus, the power of God at work


• For the tangible, life-changing presence of God amongst us
• For Ayodeji as he preaches, that he’d know the power of the Spirit as he prepares and as he speaks
• For all those serving in different roles, including Paul and the band leading us in worship, John & Ida leading the meeting, and all our teams
• For the sick to be healed, the hurting to be comforted, captives to be set free, the lost to be saved


• That we would grow in our knowledge of God; that we would be strengthened by the power of God; that we’d display the joy and love of God; and that we would be fruitful for God.

Parking near King’s Centre:

  • Bridge Street Car Park is now the closest car park, but is a “Short Stay” private one that costs a bit more.
  • Desborough Square Car Park, and East Richardson Street Car Park opposite it, are the nearest council car parks, a 2 minute walk away and costing £1 to park on Sundays. 
    • The machines on these sites are not always operational, but RingGo (opt out of texts to avoid fees) or phone payment are accepted. RingGo codes are 1421 for East Richardson St Car Park and 31426 for Des Square Car Park.
  • Eden Centre is also nearby, at these costs, and the far end of the Purple zone, beyond the car park vehicle exit, has the pedestrian exit nearest King’s Centre.
  • Dovecot multi storey, which again costs £1 to park for the day on Sundays, is a 4 minute walk if you walk in/out using the Sainsbury’s main entrance. 
    • Please note that Sainsbury’s have recently adjusted the terms and costs for parking in their own car park. 
  • Street Parking on, and around, Desborough Road is free on Sundays but can be confusing, so please only park in designated bays and double-check permissions and charges.
  • If you’ve not been to us for a couple of years, Desborough Road Car Park, immediately outside the King’s Centre, is now closed.
    • There are two disabled parking bays outside our building, and those attending on Sunday mornings with mobility concerns or transporting those with difficulties can contact the church office to request one of the ‘assigned’ spaces. 
    • During the week, the parking bays outside King’s Centre are available to staff and visitors inside the King’s Centre, but please be aware that they are often full during office hours.

These buses stop near King’s Centre, Desborough Road:

28, 28C, 31, 32, 33, 36B, 36C, 38, 48, 158, 331, 800, 850, PR1

… and High Wycombe Bus Station, by the Eden Centre, is a 2-3 minute walk from our front door (0.1 mile, 700 feet).

High Wycombe Train Station is just the other side of town centre, a 15 minute walk away…

… and buses 8 (P&R Cressex Connect) and 33 travel from the train station to just past King’s Centre, up to every 15 minutes.


Thursday 15 December | 8-9pm | King’s Church

Join us for mulled wine and mince pies and space to find out more about Jesus and the Christian faith. We will be watching a short Alpha video, asking: ‘Is there more to life than this?’

Sign up below

With the current financial climate, and the rising cost of living, we understand that things are tough for many people in our church family right now. If you, or someone you know, is struggling to pay your bills or buy food, please do let us know, because we’d love to help. Just fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

  • Field names ending with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Please enter a valid email address.
  • Your information will be held by this form while we seek to answer your enquiry, and then deleted unless further connection is made with King’s Church (e.g. Get Connected form, Small Group Sign-Up, Serving Team or Membership). You can view our Data Protection Policy or request to have your details removed at any time by emailing or ringing 01494 459 901.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Free English classes for women during the week.

The classes are now closed for the summer holidays. We will reopen in September.

Please fill out the form to apply to start in September and Rachel will contact you at the end of August to organise an assessment.

We have classes at the following levels:

  • Absolute Beginner with no previous knowledge of English (pre-A1) – full – apply to join the waiting list
  • Beginner (A1-A2) – full – apply to join the waiting list
  • Upper Beginner (A2-B1) – spaces
  • Intermediate (B1) – spaces
  • Upper Intermediate (B2) – spaces

Students can bring young children with them and we have toys and nappy changing facilities available.  Parents are responsible for their children during classes.

If you would like more information or would like to enroll in one of our classes, please fill in the form below.

The teacher is on holiday now and will contact you at the end of August to arrange a day and time for you to come to King’s Centre for an assessment.  At that time, she will be able to tell you on which day and time is the most suitable class for you to attend.

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