As followers of Jesus, God has filled us with his Spirit and prepared good works for us to do. We’re a Spirit-empowered community. At King’s, this is part of our legacy, and something we believe God is leading us into all the more – equipping us to see his kingdom break in to our normal, everyday lives.
Join us on this journey of living increasingly naturally supernatural lives – demonstrating the love of Jesus, trusting in the Spirit’s power, and seeing what the Father will do.
The supernatural life that Jesus modelled is not reserved for a few ‘superstar’ Christians, it is meant to be the normal life for every believer.
Wendy Mann, King’s Arms Church, Bedford
Sunday meetings
During our Sunday meetings in Spring 2022, we preached into what it means to be ‘naturally supernatural’, and some of the things prevent us from stepping out.
Watch the talks here or search for King’s Church High Wycombe on any audio Podcast platform.
Share your story
Each week, share your story, however big or small, and read others’ stories.
Take up the challenge
Each week, we invited the church to take part in a simple Spirit-led challenge.
Some of the challenges were:
- Spend time with the Holy Spirit, asking Him to fill you and bring revelation of your identity as a dearly-loved son or daughter.
- Make time to process any disappointments you have with God… being honest with God is a key first step in removing the affects thats disappointment with God can have on us.
- Look for opportunities to do good, to sow kingdom seed into situations where the opposite of the kingdom exists.
- Think of someone who you wouldn’t usually be open to God’s prompting for. Ask God, what does he want to say to them? Then, be brave and share it!
- Look for an opportunity to pray for healing, then pray and see what God will do.