Special Series:

Blessed to bless those around us.

Small groups play a really important role in the life of our church. They’re a space to create family, encounter Jesus, and reach out to those who don’t yet know Jesus. If you have an idea for a small group, or if you’d like to lead but you’re not sure what type of group yet, we’d love to hear from you. Just fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch.

New Small Group Leader Form

  • Please enter a brief description of your idea for a Small Group, if you have one. Think about the purpose, focus and aims of the group and who the group would be most suitable for.
  • Name(s) of other leader(s)

Our photographer/videographer has taken a photo of you or your child or has captured you/them on video.

If you are happy for the photo or video to be used by King’s Church High Wycombe, please fill in the form below. If not, don’t worry, just let our photographer or videographer know and they will delete the photo/footage.

I am happy for my image (still or video) to be used within King’s Church High Wycombe (printed, e.g banner).(Required)
I am happy for my image (still or video) to be used on the King’s Church High Wycombe website, YouTube channel or social media accounts.(Required)
I confirm that I am over 18yrs(Required)
Please tick as applicable
If applicable
(this might be the name of group or event at, or date on, which the photo was taken)

We don’t want those watching online to miss out on an Easter chocolate treat. Fill in your details below and we will send you a treat in this week.

We have been live-streaming our Sunday meetings for over 6 months now and this form is to have a better idea of who’s watching and hear your feedback so we know how we can serve you better. Thank you for filling in the form.


Newcomers’ Lunch is a chance for us to meet you, and for you to get to know some of our staff and leaders, ask any questions and hear about ways you can connect into the church.

Field names ending with an asterisk ( * ) are required