King’s Table seeks to show God’s love to His people and to make Him known in our community.
We want to see people saved and we want to make King’s Church High Wycombe a safe place for all to come.
To see those considered to be marginalised loved, valued and served, brought into community, and offered opportunities to exit life controlling addictions through provision of a weekly Sunday evening meal with a short Christian talk, and subsequent signposting to other agencies skilled in helping people out of addiction.
To demonstrate the love of Jesus through serving and loving those He brings us.
To establish long term, consistent relationships with those whom we serve.
To show honour and dignity to those we serve by not imposing courses of action on anybody.
To pray for those we serve before and after doing so.
To pray for people if, as and when they give permission for such prayer.
To talk about Jesus’ love at each meeting.
The full King’s Table Safeguarding process can be seen here.