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Learning English

By 26 August 2022October 16th, 2024No Comments

Free English classes for women during the week.

All our classes are full at the moment. You can fill in the form to join the waiting list for a class.

We have classes at the following levels:

  • Absolute Beginner with no previous knowledge of English (pre-A1)
  • Beginner (A1-A2)
  • Upper Beginner (A2-B1)
  • Intermediate (B1)
  • Upper Intermediate (B2)

Students can bring young children with them and we have toys and nappy changing facilities available.  Parents are responsible for their children during classes.

If you would like more information or would like to enrol in one of our classes, please fill in the form below.

This form adds you to the waiting list.

When a space becomes available, Rachel will contact you to organise an assessment, after which she will tell you the days and times of classes that are right for you.

Print or download our poster

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