Naturally Supernatural
The following is a suggested prayer structure. You can pick and choose which sections you would like to do. You can spend longer on the sections that are meaningful for you, but leave out others as time permits. Alternatively, feel free to do each one, which should take approximately 2½ or 5 minutes depending on whether you are praying for a total of 30 or 60 minutes. We do recommend that everyone do sections 6 and 7 each day (Praying Scripture and Intercession: Naturally Supernatural) as these form the main theme for the week’s prayer. You are also welcome to add any other prayer points you would like – let’s pray!
1. Praise and Worship
Spend some time praising God. Use songs, listen to music, speak out words of praise. You can find some worship songs to sing, or reflect upon by clicking here.
2. Pray in tongues
If you have the gift of tongues, use this now and allow the Holy Spirit to build you up (1 Corinthians 14:4). If you haven’t yet received this gift, you can spend a few minutes asking the Holy Spirit to give you this gift, or alternatively seek God’s blessing for your time of prayer.
3. Waiting on the Lord
Take some time to still your thoughts and sit before the Lord in silence. Ask him to reveal to you anything that is coming between you and Him.
4. Confession
Confess anything that comes to mind. This will enable you to pray without anything coming between you and God. If God highlights anyone He wants you to forgive, muster up the courage and strength to forgive them from your heart (Mark 11:25).
5. Personal intercession
Pray for the following:
- God strengthens your relationship with Him, and He refreshes your confidence in His love for you as your Heavenly Father
- You would love yourself as a child of God, free, forgiven and without condemnation (Romans 8:1).
- You would love others as Jesus loves them, and you would boldly serve others in love as God gives you opportunity to do so.
- You experience God’s inexpressible joy and peace (1 Peter 1:8 and Romans 15:13): we all need these!
- Any specific points that you need today.
6. Praying Scripture
Read today’s passage, from Mark 16:
[15] Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. [16] Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. [17] And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; [18] they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Jesus’ intention is that His disciples will do remarkable things that glorify Him and make the reality of His wonderful and transformational kingdom known. Jesus wants many saved, baptised, delivered from oppression and danger, filled with new gifts and to see God’s healing break out.
What is God showing you or talking to you about from that passage: for instance, what strikes you as unusual, interesting, provocative, or puzzling? Ask God and pray about those things.
7. Intercession: Naturally Supernatural
Pray at that start of this prayer week that:
- The church will be even bolder in sharing and preaching the Good News of Jesus to those in our town and the surrounding area.
- For 2021 to be the best year in the history of the King’s Church in High Wycombe for the number of people being saved and then baptised.
- The Holy Spirit will move in the church so we would be filled with Him and receive powerful gifts.
- Ask for God to give you the gift of tongues for the first time, or to fill you again and fortify this important and joyous gift
- We will see signs and wonders that draw people to Jesus, with many inside and outside the church healed of physical ailments, sickness, injuries, psychological wounds and mental health conditions.
8. Thanksgiving
Write down 5 things you can thank God for. Consider each one in turn. Thank Him again. If you have time, think of another 5 things and thank Him again!
9. Intercession for others
Identify three people on your BLESS list (a BLESS list is a list of people close to us, like friends, family, neighbours and colleagues, who do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Saviour).
Pray that:
- God deepens your relationship with them and gives you opportunities to serve them well
- God provokes them to openness to Him
- God uses you to signpost them to Him
- Jesus wonderfully saves them.
10. Intercede for nations
Pick a nation: it could be the UK, it could be your birth nation or that of your parents, it could be a nation that is close to your heart, or it could be Nepal where our brothers and sisters in King’s Church Kathmandu are fearlessly spreading the Gospel.
Pray for:
- the Gospel to be preached and received in that nation
- many to be saved and then filled with the Holy Spirit
- supernatural signs and wonders to break out in that nation that draw people to Jesus and glorify Him
- a spotless Church to rise up in that nation
- righteous government in that nation inspired by the love and fear of the Lord, and His loving wisdom
11. Intercede for the church
Pray for God’s blessing on two or three of the following and those who lead them:
- King’s Kids: our children’s work up to the age of 11
- King’s Youth: for those aged 11-18
- Our small groups: for powerful times together and strong support of one another in these restrictive and challenging times
- Our outreach and social action works: Azalea (working with commercially sexually exploited women), CAP (our Christians Against Poverty debt relief centre), English as a Second Language (ESL) groups, Little Stars (parent and toddler group), King’s Table (serving those wrestling with life-controlling addictions and homelessness)
- The eldership, leadership and staff teams in the church: wisdom, unity, inspiration and courage
- Focus: our group for those in retirement
- Alpha: for many to join and encounter Jesus’ love and salvation: it starts on 4th May
- Our worship and technical teams who serve us so well every single week
- Another church in High Wycombe or the surrounding area
12. Reflection
Write down anything that God has spoken to you. You can send in your reflections, thoughts, words of encouragement, prophetic words by clicking here.