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Week of Prayer Introduction

By 19 April 2021No Comments

It’s so good to pray, but so tempting not to do so.  However, prayer is much easier when we do it alongside others.  We need others to spur us on.  Prayer preceded a massive move of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 1:14), and it was a prelude to an outbreak of signs and wonders later in Acts 4:30.  Such prayer was done in groups with others. 

When we saw a huge move of the Holy Spirit in the King’s Church (and worldwide) in the summer of 1994 (known as the Toronto Blessing), it followed a season of regular prayer and fasting.  Big moves of God always do.  We are living through unprecedented times: lockdowns, tiers, restrictions, uncertainty and almost daily changes to our lives.  It’s a great time to pray together to seek a powerful move of God in our lives, through the church and in the nations. 

This prayer initiative is to facilitate just that: doing what the church has done for centuries – seeking God’s supernatural activity in our lives, drawing us to Him, and changing our nation and beyond. 

Ordinary people, changed by Jesus, to change the world.  Let’s pray! 

Richard Lodge, April 2021


Prayer Initiative:

Naturally Supernatural


From Monday 26 April through Sunday 2 May, we are inviting the church to unite in prayer and to pray around the clock: 24 hours a day, for seven days a week.  We want to pray sacrificially (for instance, at times when we would rather sleep), to seek God’s face and His kingdom.  It’s so easy to get involved.  You can sign up to pray at any time by going to our 24/7 prayer room page.  You can pray for half an hour, or for a whole hour.  Just sign up for the slots you would like to do, and then use the daily prayer guide which will help you to pray.

You can pray in the way that suits you best.  Our guide segments each prayer section into twelve parts: if you are praying for half an hour, each segment can last 2½ minutes, if you are praying for an hour, each one can last for 5 minutes.

We hope that this guide helps you to draw closer to God.  Prayer at its heart is spending time with God and drawing closer to Him.  It is how we communicate with our loving Heavenly Father and how He longs to communicate with us.  Take time this week to slow down and to listen to God.  This can take practice and may feel difficult at first. Persevere, and find what works for you.  We are all created differently and communicate differently, but God wants to speak with every one of us.